
I’ve lived in Oregon for over 40 years. When I first came here, I hated it (in all fairness to me, I was six at the time and it rained for a month straight)! Once I started enjoying the beauty of a rainy day, hiking in the gorge, and gardening, I grew to love it. And now, as the city of Portland is rapidly changing, and my children have grown up, I find I want to spend more time exploring the city and surrounding area. I have been an avid hiker, biker, and runner for years now. I love good food, music, anything active and enjoy many typical Portland activities (roller derby, anyone?). But I realized recently that I tend to  go to the same places over and over. While I love my usual haunts, I also realize that there’s so much out there I’ve never even seen! There’s also many places I love that I haven’t been to in years (literally years, people). While my travel posts may be great for newcomers to town, I hope they will also encourage other long-time Portland residents to try new places and activities too.

I’ve been making a plan and I’m ready to put it in action! So here goes:

  1. I will go to new restaurants at least twice a month.
  2. I will check out some new entertainment – music, dancing, art, crafting….
  3. I will choose at least one afternoon adventure each week, right here in Portland.
  4. I will take a day trip at least twice a month in and around Portland.
  5. I will take a one or two-night overnighter at least once a month to someplace in Oregon or the Pacific Northwest that I’ve never gone before.

So that’s my plan and I’m sticking to it. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Links to my travel posts:

Long Beach Peninsula:

Indian Beach at Ecola State Park in Cannon Beach – Life Goes On (and on and on and on) (this was written in response to the Eagle Creek fire)

Saving money by cooking on vacation.

Hiking Crescent Beach at Ecola State Park


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